Friday, March 18, 2011

Once upon a time...

So heres the story, Once upon a time there was this girl that everyone thought was a slut, and looked like a pig. They where two-faced with her acted like her friend, but when backs where turned there came out the knife.  She was all happy tell the day she found out about this little "talking fest" where they would all talk about her dureing there 6th period class math.  They came up with code names for her like "alexis" or "dirty bra" one day she heard them say dirty bra then all look at her and laph.  So she asked me what a dirty bra was. Me not knowing it was her just through in a lil guess. Was i right? Yes. A whore. They all came out with the truth stateing they always hated her she looked like a pig, and was a skank. She cried and weeped and did all th normal human being crap then came to me. Yes i did admitt i was one of the back stapping biznotches that tlked crap but i owned up to it and appologized.  I ditched all my "friends" and became pretty much a loner with her. We did our own thing and sat with eachother at lunch, she got really bossy so yes i vented a lil when i got annoyed. But said the wrong stuff to the wrong people. Oh they just feed off drama and take any chance they got to twist your words up tell they got nothing to do with wat you said. They told this girl and what did she do? she got mad ditched me for all the sluts that where rude to her. Thankyou Miss Katlyn, Darian, Sydney, and our main charactor Chase. Friends forever? Hell no. -Lots of hate. love Payton